I am: a child of God
I think: too much, it gets me into trouble
I know: that I don't know anything
I want: to have less stress in my life
I have: the greatest, cutest little girls in the world
I dislike: leaving messages on answering machines
I miss: my first grader who just started school and my new nephew in Virginia
I fear: the future
I feel: grateful for all the support we have received in the last year
I hear: helicopters flying over my house still trying to put out a fire that caused part of our neighborhood to be evacuated 2 days ago.
I smell: smoke
I crave: dark chocolate
I cry: only when I'm all alone
I usually: am too quick to anger
I search: for the best deal and I usually find it.
I wonder: if we will survive the real estate market
I regret: not getting to know my grandparents better among many other things.
I love: a good book
I care: less about what other people think than I used to, but still more than I should.
I always: say my prayers at night
I worry: all day long!
I am not: happy about the size of my butt!
I remember: when life was simpler.
I believe: in Jesus Christ
I sing: out of tune.
I don't always: put make-up on even though I really should
I argue: with my six year old and she usually wins
I write: to my nephew on a mission every couple of months
I win: almost every time I play Settler of Catan
I lose: my patience on an hourly basis
I wish: my father in law didn't have Parkinson's.
I listen: to books on tape in my car.
I am talented: at uh uh uh .....
I can usually be found: daydreaming.
I am scared:of spiders and crickets and most bugs for that matter.
I need: a million dollars
I forget: to close cupboards which usually results in a bonked head or shin.
I am happy: when I am with the people I love unless of course they're mad at me.
I tag Darcy Briggs